
uCertify PrepKit Tour

uCertify PrepKit Tour uCertify PrepKit Tour Read more about uCertify PrepEngine Overview “Learn Smarter, Not Harder” is our mantra. uCertify PrepKits are a powerful learning platform. The smart, interactive, computer based learning system combines step-by-step guided learning with realistic exam simulation for over 200 IT certification exams. Navigating the Prepkit is simple for both newcomers […]

January 31, 2010
8 min
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uCertify PrepKit Tour

uCertify PrepKit Tour

uCertify PrepKit Tour
Read more about uCertify PrepEngine


“Learn Smarter, Not Harder” is our mantra. uCertify PrepKits are a powerful learning platform. The smart, interactive, computer based learning system combines step-by-step guided learning with realistic exam simulation for over 200 IT certification exams.

Navigating the Prepkit is simple for both newcomers and experienced IT professionals. You will find clearly defined Practice tests, Chapter by Chapter study guides, exam objectives, extensive reference material, numerous study aids, on demand progress tracking and everything else needed to pass your exam in the first attempt.


uCertify’s one click dashboard neatly presents all the major options on the first-screen. These options are organized into 4 simple groups:
Practice tests
Study Helper
Enhance your understanding
Track your progress

The logical organization and layout of the dashboard makes it easy for even the novice user to get started on his or her learning journey right away.

Practice Tests

Each PrepKit has multiple options under practice tests such as:
Diagnostic tests: to give you a good idea of where you stand.at the outset
Predefined: test A, B, C etc: are based on actual exam requirments.
Final tests: to measure your readiness for the actual certification exam
Interactive quizzes: test yourself along the way with quick pop-quizzes on key exam points
and Adaptive test: to gives you an experience with Computer Adaptive testing or CAT

The Practice tests are extremely customizable. Customized testing helps you take a test based on your need and learning style.
For example, you can easily customize a test based on an exam topic or study note to reinforce concepts just learned.

Or perhaps you don’t have time to take the standard practice test? Just specify the fixed time you have and the Prepkit customizes the number of questions for you. It’s that simple!

Take a Test
Lets start with a diagnostic test.
All tests begin with a help screen. On this screen, you can easily configure test options such as the number of questions, time allotted, the passing score and raise the level of difficulty by having the last answer option always be none of the above.

Start your test in either test or learn mode. In test mode you will be able to review your answers with accompanying detailed explanations at the end of the test. In in learn mode you can review the answers to each question right after answering a question. This helps you to learn the subject, one question at a time.

Choose whatever suits you best. To start the test simply click the start test button from the toolbar.

Start The Test

Each question is modeled on the format of the actual exam. uCertify PrepKit supports multiple types of questions found on certification exams such as Multiple choice, Hot spot, Drag and drop, choose and reorder, and simulation.

Click on the answer you think is correct.

Navigating from question to question is simple. Choose navigation button form the bottom tool bar or press keyboard short cut such as N to navigate to Next question or P for Previous question

The Prepkit offers a number of flexible options while you take a test. For example, you can print a question, provide a feedback, write additional notes or comments for future reference. You can pause a test any time.

You can also book mark a question you want to review later, rate a question, or tag it for the future reference.

When you are done answering all questions, click on End Test.

Go to result

You have another chance on the Item Review screen to ensure all questions have been answered. If you wish, simply click on the question you want to review. If you are satisfied with your answers click on the result button to continue to the Result Window to see how you did.

Test Results

The Result screen shows your performance on the test and provides you a range of feedback options. Instant feedback helps you clearly identify your areas of strength and weakness, which give you a precise idea of your exam readiness.

The Question Report shows your performance by question. Summary reports show a breakdown of your performance categorized by subtopic. Use these reports to get a clear grasp of your understanding of the topics and areas to focus on.

Nothing like striking while the iron is hot, so the result screen allows you to review or re-test. You can review all questions in the test, or review only incorrectly answered questions to save time, or re-test again. Retake the entire test or only the incorrectly answered questions. Alternatively, just review the related study notes and key concepts.

You can also simply click on the questions you want to review. This will directly take you to the questions and provide you with full explanations.

Test Review

After you have completed your test, you can review it. PrepKit provides correct answers and detailed explanations for each question, elaborating not only on the answer, but on the concepts on which the question is based. This ensures thorough learning of the subject.

While reviewing questions be sure to use the additional study notes to help you learn and reinforce key points.

Add tags, provide feedback, rate questions or discuss a question with other users.

Performance Review

uCertify PrepKits help you track your progress effortlessly with a variety of reports, including Test history, Test readiness and Objective readiness reports.

Test history shows your performance over time, helping you accurately review your progress and assess your test readiness. You can click on the Review button to review the questions and explanations again. Or, you can take a re-test on the same set of questions if you wish.

Test readiness report shows your test performance on predefined tests and other test types.

Objective readiness reports shows your performance on tests customized to exam objectives. This gives you a clear idea of your progress, strengths and weaknesses by exam topics.

After you have covered all exam objective topics, tested yourself on each, and performance reviews show high scores, you are ready for the full-length final simulation exam, which is another good indicator of your exam readiness.

Study Helper

You will find several useful study aids throughout the Prepkit, designed to help you study efficiently.

Study Helper provides you a chapter by chapter study guide.

Click on the Study button to begin your learning. Study notes are organized chapter wise in an easy-to-read, power point style format. If you are an instructor, this chapter-by-chapter, organized method of covering exam objectives is very useful in a class room environment. Navigate each study note using the toolbar or keyboard. Pop quizzes every few slides enforce understanding.

At the end of each chapter, you have the choice to take a test based on the chapter, or continue with a review of the next chapter.

Enhance your understanding

uCertify’s effective methodology ensures you have the skills and confidence needed to not just pass the exam in your first attempt, but to actually use the skills on the job.

Enhance your understanding section is divided in multiple parts, starting with clearly spelled out exam objectives: Flash cards, study notes, articles, how tos and study tips

These exam objectives help you understand the exam requirements and organize your study plan.

Flash Cards help you memorize definitions, terminology and key concepts. This simple, yet powerful feature helps drill in basic concepts key to mastering more extensive material.

Study notes are organized by topics and can be navigated easily. You can also bookmark a note, , rate it or add your own tags.

You can add your own comments, provide a feedback and discuss it with other users.

Rating, tagging and feedback will also help you organize the study notes based on your learning style.

You can also search through the study notes. Test your knowledge on notes by taking a test on related questions anytime, or use flash cards based on selected study notes.

Technical Study Articles written by industry experts provide the final touch to enhancing your knowledge of the subject.

How To’s provide an easy to look up reference on ‘how to’ perform a particular action. They guide you step by step through each task.


The smart, interactive, easy-to-use PrepKit has everything you will need to pass your certification exam. A clean, simple dashboard, guided reference material, study guides integrated closely with practice tests, real world scenario questions crafted by experts in the field, collaboration tools, customizable and adaptive tests, detailed performance reviews, all leave nothing to be desired of a certification preparation software. It’s a time tested formula that guarantees your success.

Our Guarantee

The most important feature – the quality of our content. Our questions on practice tests are authored by professionals with years of experience, who are certified experts themselves. Questions are modeled on real world scenarios and closely simulate actual certification exams.

In-fact we are so confident of the quality of our Prepkits, that we guarantee it! You will pass the exam in your first attempt or we will refund your money in full. No questions asked.

Give us a try! Download our free trial version at https://www.ucertify.com Call us at 1 800 796 3062 for advice and support or send us a email at sales or support at ucertify.com

We wish you the best of luck with your exam preparation.
